Horoscope– Important Points
- Venus – Lagna lord in 12th house- (Debilitated)
Venus is Lagna lord – being Lagna lord it affects personality — also you had Venus dasa in childhood from age 1 to 20 yrs . Being in ‘Hasta’ Nakshatra it gives a person desire to acquire various form of art, fond of reading. Being in 12th house it makes a person fond of seeking comfort/ luxury; can make a person lazy as well.
As per traditional astrology 12th house, Debilitated Venus means— fond of spending money, pursuing/ acquiring material comforts, nonconformist, doesn’t get along well with relatives; people don’t appreciate what one is doing.
- Sun+Moon+Mercury in 11th house of gains; Sun+ Moon conjunction (Amavasya)
Favourable for Sun—mixed results for Moon and Mercury. All 3 planets are in ‘Magha’ Nakshatra. 11th is the house of gains, friends, long-travel etc. Mercury and Moon are 9th and 10th lord respectively, so there is a possibility of gains through travel.
The presence of mercury with Sun+Moon makes a person talkative. As per sign, Sun in Leo becomes dominant than the Moon and Mercury. Sun being fiery it adds traits to personality—ambitious, proud… wants to be in the limelight.
On your palm Sun area is better than Moon, though the moon has its signs which I will explain below.
- Saturn+Ketu in 9th House
Saturn+ Ketu conjunction in Mithun Rashi and Ardra nakshatra—-9th house indicates—the direction of fate, relationship with father, and spirituality …… this particular combination is negative… gives struggle in career, lot of difficulties, bad relationship with father/ill-health. The balancing factor is Saturn in the friendly sign of mercury and Saturn is ‘Raja yoga karaka’ for Tula Lagna. Saturn and Ketu both can give spiritual bent. (Palm lacks major signs related to spirituality)
- Mars- in own sign—7th house
Angry temperament, confidence… tenacity to achieve in chosen work.
7th house being the house of marriage might have affected marital life in the initial days, but otherwise, Mars is without any negative association with other planets. (In Navamansa’s horoscope, Mars is debilitated with Rahu—Mars is 7th lord as well—- any negative incident experienced like divorce??; though your palm doesn’t reflect any sign. Kindly confirm.)
Sun and Mars form Nav-panchama yoga— Auspicious yoga
- Jupiter -4th house- Debilitated and Retrograde
4th house indicates, home, mother, and mental peace—- Jupiter being debilitated and retrograde… not favourable for these things, especially for Mother’s health as Jupiter is 6th lord of illness in 4th house and it is the unfavourable planet for Tula (libra) Lagna.
Jupiter in Capricorn gives either prosperity in the first half of life or second half.
- Out of 9 planets— 5 planets are placed in nakshatra lord of Ketu (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars and Rahu)
The classical interpretation of Ketu—“……induces a state of deep frustration and repressed anger
which alienates the individual from the matters of the house which Ketu occupies.
….Ketu is detached and withdrawn
….results of Ketu are generally “bad” materially but “good” spiritually.
The influences of Ketu’s house & sign makes the native
experience confusion, indecision, unclarity. The native remains, foggily and often passive-aggressively, engaged with it – often believing that someone else is causing the issue or that
forces outside himself are at work. Ketu can be highly intuitive but in lower consciousness
will tend toward superstition because the native passive-aggressively attributes his
problems to the evil intentions, failures, or incompetence of others.
…..Ketu gives remarkable benefits through disconnection
and detachment, thereby cutting one’s losses, abandoning hopeless projects, leaving
unsuitable relationships, surrender before annihilation, etc.”
Current Dasha is of Rahu from 2016…. Rahu is in Nakshatra of Ketu… so major changes from 2016 in life might have happened.
Palm Reading—Important Points
Right Palm

- Headline– Red Circle, Red Arrow and Dark Red Arrow— Red circle is the area of disturbed headline— more of island formation (Red Arrow) on headline — period is age 20-30 yrs (?35)—- Period of confusion… indecision… lack of direction in life…..form of emptiness. The line has improved after that… not very sharp but better…. Travels straight towards the end of the palm…. Things improved post 35 years… This same whole area of the headline is covered under a triangle formation (Dark Red Arrow)— Triangles are protective marks…. Under Saturn area indicates…. Protection from extreme features of Saturn i.e. loneliness, emptiness, depressive tendencies… etc….. Saturn also gives the desire to learn occult or spiritual subjects… (This shows a connection with Saturn’s placement in ‘Dharma’ sthana in horoscope…). This triangle may have formed in the last 3-5 yrs.. still, the interpretation holds.
- Fate line—Blue Arrows—Direction/formation of Fate line— Not sharp…formed with different lines in the beginning……broad…..shows bumpy ride in career….. overlapping break in fate line (2nd arrow from below)—approximate age 30-32 yrs… changes in career front but improvement in it as the quality of the line is smooth. That part hits and stops at the headline…… and another part starts above it (shown by 2 arrows)…..curved formation of fate line till heart line (age period 36-37 till 52-55)…. Things must have improved with some changes from age 43-44 yrs (corresponding with the start of Rahu dasha in horoscope). From 45 period onwards fate line seems weak… has another small overlap besides it. So a further period can be challenging career-wise.
- Sunline— Orange Arrows+ Area marked by Orange Capsule— Direction/Formation of Sunline—– Sunline is much better formed than other lines (on left as well)…. The capsule area marked shows a developing sun line … very faint… hardly visible to eyes…. Below portion which starts from fate line form kind of triangle on the palm …. Protective for a career….. The triangle is formed by a portion of fate line…sunline and Headline….. gives financial stability and fame in career front. The main part of the Sunline is straight below the ring finger…. Indicates fulfilment of ambition in a chosen career path.
- Mount of Moon–Black Arrows– Line of travel— 2 main lines are visible… shows frequent short travels…maybe abroad or within India.
- White Arrows—Curved line starting from the end of lifeline —– this is a tricky line to interpret…. Some interpretations can be…. Minor intuition line….
Or a form of Girdle covering the whole area of the moon… desire to isolate oneself from the world
This is a minor line hence its impact is erratic. If the above interpretation is correct then strengthening of this line in the future will increase indicated behaviour.
Left Palm

- Yellow arrow— Partial ring of Jupiter… the similar formation is seen on the right hand as well. It is a form of a gift…. A gift to understand motives/emotionally other people and be able to help them. This is also the mark of love for occult things or understanding the psychology of people.
- Red line showing separation between the headline and lifeline—- independence from the early years in life … in thinking/behaviour.
- Blue arrows—- Fate line is weakened on left hand…. Above headline, portion is very thin or non-existent. Considering the pattern on the right hand mostly indicates a lot of struggles in a career.
- Other patterns which recur on the left hand are marked—Sunline (Orange arrow), Triangle formation in the middle of palm (Dark red arrow), straight-line on the moon (black arrow)— interpretation of which remains more or less same.